Warehouse and Third Party Logistics Centre Stock Location Audit

A supplier of solar panels, distribute nationwide and to keep transportation costs down, stock is stored across 50+ warehouse locations. Some warehouses are owned by solar panels supplier, but most are third party logistics (3PL) centres where elements of the distribution and warehousing of products are outsourced.
The solar panels supplier required RGIS to provide an accurate stock holding of all locations. The customer required the following:
- Accurate stock holding of all locations
- Stock counts to be completed monthly
- 50+ warehouse locations
- Identify additional products the customer is not aware of and the location of the stock item
The solar panels supplier partnered with RGIS to complete the following:
- Allocated one experienced RGIS auditor per location
- Allowed three hours per warehouse
- Counts were scheduled to take place at the end of each month
- Each stock item was scanned using the barcode
- Custom reports were created to show additional lines of unexpected stock
- Identified the location of all stock items
The solar panels supplier found that by outsourcing the warehouse and 3PL audit project to RGIS, the following was achieved:
- All stock items were accurately located
- Stock the customer was unaware of, was identified within the warehouses
- The customer now has accurate information of the stock levels and location of stock
- Highlighted that transfers that had been completed between sites had not been reported correctly, so the process could now be rectified
- Follow up was completed to understand how stock was at a specific site