Verification of IT Assets

An Australian government IT agency needed support to verify and attach barcodes to between 7,000 and 10,000 IT assets across 11 sites nationwide.
The IT agency wanted to utilise RGIS’ staff to support them in the project, verifying and attaching asset tags to IT assets, across multiple sites. The customer required:
- Project to span across 11 sites nationwide
- 7,000 to 10,000 IT assets to be verified
- Attach asset tags with a unique barcode
- Verify existing asset tags
- Asset data to be collected. Data fields to be completed included: site, floor, room, rack#, desk#, barcode, description, make, model, serial number and comment if required
RGIS worked with the IT agency and completed the following:
- Experienced RGIS teams worked from building plans
- Both front and back of racks were accessed simultaneously to access barcodes
- Each existing asset tag was matched on the existing asset register
- RGIS worked with the IT agency staff to identify asset descriptions
- Counted 25-30 assets per hour
By partnering with RGIS, the IT agency benefited from the following:
- Three accurate reports were provided to the customer; Found Assets, Not Found Assets and New Assets
- The data was reconciled with the existing register which meant the IT agency identified 1,500 assets that had been retired, but had not been updated on the main asset register