Third Party Logistics Distribution Centre Warehouse Count

A third party logistics (3PL) distribution centre that offers real-time order and shipping updates with fast international shipping, required the support of RGIS. The company has a fully branded order fulfilment and robust data security to protect customer information.
The distribution centre with two additional off-site 3PL facilities needed a full warehouse inventory. The customer had encountered accuracy problems and needed the issues resolved with as little downtime as possible.
The 3PL distribution centre required RGIS to provide the following:
- All three locations needed to be audited over one weekend, to limit disruptions to the business and orders going out
- Experience of large distribution centre environments was vital
- Accuracy to be the number one priority
The 3PL distribution centre partnered with RGIS to complete the distribution centre inventory counts project, and RGIS provided the following:
- Completed a site assessment at each location
- RGIS created an efficient inventory program specific to the distribution centres
- Due to the size of the facilities, the ability to quickly bring in additional local RGIS inventory auditors for this event was considered a key element
- Over the course of three days with several shifts per day, 40 to 75 experienced RGIS auditors inventoried the contents of the warehouses, and additional experienced RGIS auditors were also on-hand if required
- RGIS teams used wireless scanners to count all items quickly and efficiently
- The inventory data was electronically returned to the customer at the close of the event
The 3PL distribution centre found by outsourcing the distribution centre inventory counts project to RGIS, the following results were achieved:
- The process did not disrupt regular business in any of the three locations due to scheduling
- Full wall-to-wall inventories were completed at the distribution centre, as well as the two 3PL locations during a single weekend
- The distribution centre was able to resume normal business operations with an up-to-date and accurate inventory