State Office Fixed Asset Count

A state in Germany with an area of approximately 21,000 square kilometers and a population of just over six million required the support of RGIS. The state ranks seventh and fifth respectively among the sixteen states within the country.
The German state agency for nature conservation, environment and geology needed a solution to accurately count furniture and IT equipment within the state office.
The state agency required RGIS to provide the following:
- Count all furniture
- Count all IT equipment
- Update existing asset register
- Identify any variances
The German state agency for nature conservation, environment and geology partnered with RGIS to complete the state office fixed asset count project, and RGIS provided the following:
- Scheduled a team of eight experienced RGIS auditors with a supervisor
- Uploaded the room plan and treated each room as a zone
- RGIS created a bespoke program for the customer
- The existing asset register was used as a validation file
- All the inventory was scanned, including all furniture and IT equipment
- Variances were identified and reported
- Any new items identified were added to the asset register
The German state agency for nature conservation, environment and geology found by outsourcing the state office fixed asset count project to RGIS, the following results were achieved:
- All fixed assets were accurately counted, verified and recorded
- Any variances identified were reported back to the customer
- The customer was so pleased with the accuracy of the results, that they have requested that RGIS completes the fixed asset count annually