Natural Gas Distribution Company Asset Valuation Audit

The largest natural gas distribution company in Argentina in terms of volume, and cover 45% of the country in two adjacent regions required the support of RGIS. With a complex gas transport pipelines and distribution networks system that is over 50,000 lineal kilometres long, serving over 2,000,000 users in 7 provinces in the country: Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Neuquén, Chubut, Río Negro, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego.
The natural gas distribution company needed a very quick turnaround of an asset valuation audit, so required RGIS to provide the following:
- An asset valuation audit to be started within a week
- Main plant to be counted
- The valuation audit to be completed within two weeks of starting the project
The natural gas distribution company partnered with RGIS to complete the asset valuation audit project, and provided the following:
- Scheduled an experienced RGIS engineer for one week, to complete a physical audit
- A further week was spent getting accurate valuations
- Compiled all the asset data and valuations in a format requested by the customer
The natural gas distribution company found that by outsourcing the asset valuation audit project to RGIS to complete, the following was achieved:
- The project was completed by RGIS within the short timescale requested, which meant that the customer had the information they needed on schedule
- Insurance policies were able to be updated accurately
- The customer now had up-to-date knowledge of all the assets at the main plant and what the assets were worth