Global Third Party Logistic Centre Counts

A global animal health company dedicated to supporting customers and businesses in ever better ways required the support of RGIS. The company have built on more than 65 years of experience, delivering quality medicines, vaccines and diagnostic products, complemented by bio devices, genetic tests and precision livestock farming. The company serve veterinarians, livestock producers and people who raise and care for farm and companion animals in more than 100 countries.
The animal health company needed a solution to complete warehouse counts in third party logistic centres globally, so required RGIS to provide the following:
- To be able to cover all warehouses in multiple countries
- Count all products that belong to the company, within the third party logistic centres
- Identify variances and complete recounts where required
- Accuracy a priority due to the nature of the products
The animal health company partnered with RGIS to complete the global third party logistic centre stock count project, and provided the following:
- Locations of logistic centres holding the customers stock to be counted in Northern Ireland, UK, Germany, France, Italy, New Zealand and Japan
- RGIS scheduled two experienced RGIS auditors per country
- Count to be completed in one to five days depending on the size of the logistics centre
- Quantities were compared to stock on hand file for that country
The animal health company found by outsourcing the global third party logistic centre stock count project to RGIS, the following results were achieved:
- All stock within each of the logistic centres was accurately counted
- Variance checks and all necessary recounts completed
- Achieved 100% accuracy
- The customer had the accurate global stock data for all third party logistic centres