Distribution Centre Cyclical Audit

A multinational online marketplace based in Buenos Aires, Argentina required the support of RGIS. The company operate online marketplaces dedicated to e-commerce and online auctions across Latin America. As of 2016, the company had 174.2 million users in Latin America, making it the region’s most popular e-commerce site by number of visitors.
The online marketplace required a cyclical audit that was able to identify and monitor the status of inventories in the distribution centre in Colombia. The audit also needed to fulfil an international requirement of inventory logistics, so required RGIS to provide the following:
- National coverage
- A daily audit of at least 100 high value products belonging to a specific company
- Compare physical inventory count with records of stock on hand
- Provide daily, weekly and monthly reports
The online marketplace partnered with RGIS to complete the distribution centre cyclical audit project, and RGIS provided the following:
- Scheduled a team of experienced RGIS auditors, working closely with the customer’s employees
- Counted stock in a minimum of 100 locations (identified by value)
- Stock physically evaluated by position, product and value
- Generated reports of daily, weekly and monthly results with any variances identified and updated
The online marketplace found by outsourcing the distribution centre cyclical audit project to RGIS, the following results were achieved:
- Weekly reports were sent showing daily and accumulated results to enable the online marketplace to accurately update stock records
- Monthly reports also sent showing regional results
- Accuracy achieved was over 99%
- Audited over 130 locations daily, valued at approximately 275,000 EUR
- The company whose products were being audited were very satisfied with the service provided by RGIS, and asked for additional support in specific audits and also an inventory of fixed assets
- RGIS teams identified process improvement opportunities and exceeded the expected results