Compliance Audit of Specific Online Payment Method Within Retailers

A global company that developed a mobile app and online payment system wanted to check that their digital wallet platform service was available at retailers and that it was advertised in-store correctly.
As part of their campaign to promote their digital wallet facility the customer engaged Field Solutions Inc. and RGIS to complete the following:
- Advertise and display the new payment method in-stores
- To attend over 13,500 retail stores in various international markets
- Ensure retailers globally understood the new payment method
- Checked that the new payment method worked in-store
- Document that the advertising was placed correctly and that the digital wallet platform payment method was available
Field Solutions and RGIS collaborated to develop field teams to complete in-store compliance audits. The process included:
- Training for all auditors to cold-visit retail stores and communicate with store managers
- Planning systematic and coordinated store visits over three months across key cities in Australia, Germany, Singapore
and the United Kingdom - Executing the audits including recording photographs, surveys and related data using a tablet web application
The customer received the audit results:
- Electronic data format that included images, GPS coordinates, site details, survey information
- The data could be filtered across a range of variables including country and digital wallet uptake