Automotive Training Centre Fixed Asset Location Tag and Count

One of the most advanced training centres in the automotive industry required the support of RGIS. On an area totalling 14,000 square metres, the building offers space for up to 500 trainees and students of a major university. The new training centre creates the best conditions to prepare the next generation of young professionals for the rapidly rising challenges in the automotive industry.
The automotive training centre needed a solution to accurately count equipment to understand what items were on-site due to items going missing.
The automotive training centre required RGIS to provide the following:
- A full list of tools and demonstration materials (engines/gearboxes etc.)
- An accurate list of the moveable parts per training room
- Each item to be marked with a location–coloured sticker
The automotive training centre partnered with RGIS to complete the fixed asset location tag and count project, and RGIS provided the following:
- Scheduled a team of one RGIS supervisor and one RGIS experienced auditor for four days
- The training centre staff members supported throughout
- The customer provided two rolls of stickers with the ID numbers
- Each movable part had an article number or received an identification number
- For each part, the room in which it was located and the place within that room where it was located, were recorded
- All cupboards, drawers, compartments, etc. were also checked
- Each part also got a small sticker (coloured) that had a different colour for each room
- If it was not possible to stick a label on the part, the identification number was written on it with a permanent marker (e.g. mats and soft covers)
The automotive training centre found by outsourcing the fixed asset location tag and count project to RGIS, the following results were achieved:
- All parts were accurately counted, location tagged and recorded
- Any variances identified were reported back to the customer
- The customer was very pleased that they now have an accurate list of all the parts and their locations, and the coloured stickers that identify the parts are no longer moved from one room to another