Airport Hotel Fixed Asset Inventory

An airport hotel located in Poland required the support of RGIS. A fiscal inventory of fixed assets needed to be performed once every four years, the last one took place in 2018, and this year the customer decided to collaborate with RGIS.
The airport hotel needed to conduct an accurate fixed asset inventory to reveal the losses which they might not have been aware of through the last four years, so required RGIS to provide the following:
- Count all fixed assets in the hotel on all four floors, including 178 guest rooms, restaurant, lobby, kitchen, storerooms and administration facilities
- Complete the inventory efficiently and in no more than four days
- Provide an accurate updated asset register
The airport hotel partnered with RGIS to complete the hotel fixed asset count project, and RGIS provided the following:
- Using the building plans supplied by the customer, RGIS scheduled a team of 10 experienced RGIS auditors. Divided the teams into five groups, which were each assigned an area of the hotel
- Three groups of auditors were allocated to the housekeeping department, due to the large number of rooms. To work more efficiently, RGIS prepared an excel table which indicated what sort of assets could be found in each room. This meant that the teams did not have any issues whether something needed to be counted or not
- The other two RGIS auditing teams conducted the inventory of administration and technical parts of the building
- The hotel’s assets were labelled with barcodes, and were scanned. The RGIS system completed the rest of the information about that record which was taken from the database provided
- Any assets without a label were tagged with a temporary barcode. Information about the asset, including serial number, location and department, were logged
The airport hotel found by outsourcing hotel fixed asset count project to RGIS, the following results were achieved:
- Teams accurately counted a total of 7,700 items of fixed assets and equipment
- Variance reports were checked against the register and any assets with missing barcodes were added to the register
- The count was efficiently completed within the requested four days, over a weekend
- Because of accurate and expanded data, the customer could easily target the assets counted in the different areas. Also sort them to find what was missing to enable them to utilise the existing assets
- The customer’s existing asset register was updated with the up-to-date accurate information